Saturday, August 14, 2010

More Unanswered Questions

Why must we suddenly abandon what we knew and believed simply because a man 600 years later claims prophethood without engaging in meaningful exegesis?

Why must we suddenly abandon what we knew and believed simply because a man 1,500 years later claims to be a "Reformer"? Is it probably because he was "engaging in [a more] meaningful exegesis" than the 'meaningless exegesis' of the fifteen centuries of Fathers, Saints, and Martyrs that have gone before him?...

So Islam is begun by a message from a supposed angel that presents a new gospel that does not come from the Church, and one that preaches against what is taught in the New Testament. [...] As Paul warns, even demons can appear as "angels of light" to deceive mankind.

...but if instead of "angels of light " we have 'men of flesh and blood', then I guess it's AOK, right?...