Giving up this sin would be the best thing about going back to [Romania]. He felt like a hypocrite, going out to revivals with [Father] Greg and talking about Jesus, knowing that, at least once a week, he would take the wrong bus downtown to see Senora Menjivar, a young widow. She hadn’t accepted Jesus into her heart when they met a few months ago, but she had told JD that she would accept him into her apartment any day of the week. Once he got out of here, he wouldn’t be susceptible to that temptation anymore. He knew some girls in [Arad] that would be dazzled by his missionary stories. And he had his degree. It was time to think about settling down, starting a career, having kids. Maybe he would enter the ministry. Of course, he had considered staying at the mission, marrying a local girl, becoming his own Abraham, a man faithful to God in a foreign land. He had even thought of saving Claudia and marrying her, or vice versa. But that situation was just too complicated. As it neared his stop the bus passed the cathedral. A number of people on board made the sign of the cross [backwards]. JD shook his head. He was a sinner, but at least he wasn’t a [papist]. Really, I ought to look at it that way, he thought, trying to cheer up. It wasn’t so bad, what he did. It wasn’t like he was a sodomite. She was a grown, healthy woman. Besides, he always wore a condom.
Robert Paxton, American Gospel

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