rekindling one's marriage

Monday, October 29, 2012

The True Reason Behind My Scant Blogging Over The Past Four Months

( You may wish to turn up the volume on your computer ).

Exhaustion... Sheer And Utter Exhaustion...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

On My Plummeting Blog-Statistics

This Blog Definitely Needs More Followers...

On the blessings of having such a small and declining readership:

1. It keeps the mind humble, in accordance with the blessed image of our divine Saviour, Who Himself was also meek and lowly in heart (Matthew 11:29).

2. It helps create an intimate and more familial atmosphere for my few readers, and even fewer commenters.

3. It makes for excellent damage control to my public image (or what's left of it, anyway) once all my hidden secrets will be revealed, and I'll finally be exposed for the rotten fraud that I really am...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Summer's Definitely Over...