May God forgive us all ! Their sincere intentions were apparently holy and pure all along:
127. “It is not pleasure they love, for they stuff themselves with it. What they love is the punishment they inflict on their bodies through excessive pleasure”.
Anthony de Mello, Awakening: Conversations With The Masters
In reality, it is we Orthodox and Catholics that should be simply ashamed of ourselves, taking the easy way out, by shamelessly indulging the sinful lusts and appetites of our stomach with all those light, delightful, and easily-digestible foods, instead of suffering together with Christ on our own spiritual Golgotha for all our heinous sins and hideous offences, by stoically enduring with sheer grace and utter dignity such a martyric self-flagellation as that to which our Evangelical brethren willingly and joyfully subject themselves... As it is written in Scripture, though they came after us, we are unworthy even of unloosing their shoe-latchets (Matthew 3:11; Mark 1:7; Luke 3:16; John 1:27). May God have mercy on us all, for only His grace can save us now: but Protestants shall be saved by their own works of righteousness, for they truly and rightfully were deemed worthy to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven by their own merits and glorious efforts ! (Matthew 11:12).
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