Black Lives Matter !
( The only question is : To whom ? )
The differences between various denominations, be they religious, political, philosophical, or ideological, are usually much subtler than one would otherwise be inclined to either suspect or expect. Thus, for instance, if the traditional Easter greeting is “Christ is risen !” (notice the brazen exclamation mark at the end), intellectually enlightened forms of atheism or agnosticism would not necessarily counter this statement by boldly, and rather ostentatiously, affirming its opposite (followed, presumably, by an even greater number of exclamation marks; say, three: one for each person of the Holy Trinity), as one would, somewhat understandably, be tempted to believe; but rather by subversively having its ending replaced by a question mark, as in “Christ is risen ?”. Similarly for the well-known response “Truly He is risen !” being made to read “Is He truly risen ?” instead. Indeed, it would be a very welcome change to see unbelievers greeting each other in the streets with “Christ is born, glorify Him ?” during the winter holidays, rather than resorting to their usual unimaginative quips, such as “This season, celebrate reason !”, as if Christians, who, following the very first verse of Saint John's Gospel, profess Christ to be the Incarnation of God's divine Logos (which is where the word logic, a synonym for reason, comes from), don't do just that; but I digress... The same observation also applies to countless other slogans as well, including the one under discussion. Black (or unborn) lives may indeed matter; but to how many, and how much, remains to be established... (and the odds do not appear to be in their favor).
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