Eastern Orthodoxy: reuniting all your little ones with the Lord since 170 BC
In a time and age when so many religious faiths exclude women and children from martyrdom, we here, in the Orthodox Church, are proud to announce you that we make no such sexist and ageist discriminations ! Quite to the contrary, the motto by which we gladly stand is: Women and children first !
2 Maccabees 7:20 But the mother was marvellous above all, and worthy of honourable memory: for when she saw her seven sons slain within the space of one day, she bare it with a good courage, because of the hope that she had in the Lord. 21 Yea, she exhorted every one of them in her own language, filled with courageous spirits; and stirring up her womanish thoughts with a manly stomach, she said unto them: 29 Fear not this tormentor, but, being worthy of thy brethren, take thy death that I may receive thee again in mercy with thy brethren. 41 Last of all after the sons the mother died.
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